Saturday, July 3, 2010


When one door of happiness closes,
another opens; but often we look
so long at the closed door that we
do not see the one which has been
opened for us.
Helen Keller

This happened to me recently. I let go of something that I was looking at, striving for and was hell bent on attaining. It wasn't a possession, it was a job, a mind set, something that I thought, would have served to make life for our family, a whole lot easier.

I looked at this door, this opportunity for so long, that I failed to notice any other doors or opportunities around me.

Taoist philosophy states that:

"When you let something go from your life,

something better will come in".

I have unburdened my thoughts and mental anguish from chasing that goal. It is said in Aboriginal culture, stop chasing it -you will chase it forever - let it come to you like a boomerang.

I have released myself from that mountain of perpetual effort and as such, peace and other options and avenues have been gushing in!

The job was never, ever meant to be mine. Thank goodness that it didn't take effect.

Has this ever happened to you? You have had your heart set on something only to have it taken away -but for a reason - to ensure your happiness?

This happened another time in my life. I was aspiring to something, working my tail off and seeking another location in my employment, only to miss the boat.

Thank goodness this happened, or I would never have met Paul.


  1. yes little are so right! i have actually shut a few doors of my own of late- and also opened a big & slightly scary door into the unknown. but i am feeling so inspired & invigorated.
    you will land on your feet pussy cat- of that i am sure xxx love you

  2. Ah yes. I think this is one of those universal truths. The trick is to understand it (as you have) and save yourself a lot of anguish in the meantime. Something that we wish we could protect our kids from, but I think it's something we all learn in our own way and in our own time. So pleased to hear that things are turning out just right for you Tracey :)

  3. Hi I think I just sent myself a message in this confusing thing! Oh well it was meant for you. Remind me on the girls weekend that I need to tell you a story concerning a lighthouse school.
    From the excited little one!
