Thursday, July 8, 2010

My little cheese board that I made in Year 9

Many moons ago, at High School, I made this little cheese board in Industrial Arts, (with the help of some of the boys in my class, particularly, one - Sam Worland). It has listened to many a conversation betwixt friends over the years over copious coffees and glasses of red wine.


  1. what a wonderful project that was ;-) mum has mine & it too is still in use xx

  2. And more importantly, I loved how that cheese had zero calories! x

  3. PoP Chomsky - that cracks me up! You remember and still have the cheese board too! We must have glued those pieces together with concrete! What a wonderful, high school project!

    Tracey x o

  4. I still have mine too. Well Dad does i believe I gave it to him for some lame present but he loves it.

  5. Wow - that is amazing, about the cheese board! Those things really stood the test of time! Who was our Industrial Arts teacher any way? What a fabulous project. Do they still make these sorts of effects in school today? I will ask Paul's colleagues. These types of effects need to be put back on the agenda. Tracey x o

    Tracey x o

  6. We still have many an industrial arts project in our house. Simon made our coffee table in year ten and my school desk upstairs (which is beautiful)is his year twelve major works. It shows school isn't just a waste of time. i really wanted to comment on your photo of your lemon tree with a bragging picture of ours but I didn't know how to put photos on your blog. Our lemon tree has around 40 lemons on it at the moment. It is awesome. Hope all is looking up.Love lynelle
