Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What were the 6 best things you did today?

About 10 years ago, I was given these 6 questions on the back of a tiny business card at the end of a forum on teaching, in which this keynote speaker talked about the importance of maintaining and identifying your own happinesses at the end of the working day (which, as we know, can be quite gruelling).

I don't speak work on my blog, as I try to separate work from home, but the 2 often intertwine don't they? Plus, I must remain professional and confidential regarding work, however, this is the very most that you will hear me talk work -

Please, ask yourself these questions. I'd love to hear your comments/responses on my blog.

TODAY, WHAT WAS THE BEST THING ......................................................................................

1. I SAW........... I awoke to the fire burning. Paul had surprised me and got it going. Winter is setting in!

2. I ATE............ I took a left over curry for lunch and ate it in the staff room, at school, at second half, on what was turning into a cool and grey day.

3. I RECEIVED...........My usual breakfast (made by Paul-I am not a morning person) of a plunger coffee and a blueberry smoothie, except this morning I took it by the fire... I also got a warm hug from Paul this afternoon and a beautiful and upbeat phone call from Lily x o

4. I DID FOR ME.............The moment of peace beside the fire this morning, plus now, I guess, writing and clarifying my thoughts at the end of the day.

5. I DID FOR SOMEONE ELSE.............. Not enough I don't think?? I came home before Paul (which never happens) and turned the lamps on and made it warm and inviting. I then fed the dogs (who were virtually leaping through the glass door) and this made Paul happy, as feeding the dogs is always his job. I was also genuinely pleased to see my class this morning and told them so about a million times. I also welcomed a new student to our school who I taught in Kindy, 5 years ago at a different school !! That was special and I told her so.

6.I FOUND FUNNY.................... Something cute that one of the kids said at school.

I hope that you too, could find some peace and beauty in the chaos of your day x o Tracey


  1. Trace what an inspiring little fifteen minutes I have had reading your philosophies and musings on life.You are a beautiful motivating and gentle Lady who I love so so much and thank God so much for puting you in my path so here goes just for today one of the most ordinary days in my life.
    I SAW My son Sam put his arms around his lovely girlfriend and give her a kiss on the cheek... She is having a hard time with her family at the moment
    I ATE A beutiful piece of lamb tonight topped with asparagus.
    I RECIEVED a lovely compliment from my son Sam who said that at least he had a mum that cared about how people were treated and not about how clean their rooms were kept....( Left over from his girlfriend Ali s problems with her family)
    I DID FOR ME Left work straight after the meeting and came home got the washing in and sat with a glass of red wine and my book..."A purpose driven Life" Rick Warren
    I DID FOR SOMEONE ELSE... Took my son Zac and his friend to hockey tonight even though I didn't feel like it I am going back to watch him he loves it when I make time to watch his game.
    I FOUND FUNNY... When the Boss stood at the door to the staff room with his bigbelly poking out and Moira innocently said Oh look an "expectant" man is looking at us... She didnt mean it to come out that way but I kept on getting the giggles right through our meeting as Lance kept on rubbing his belly giving Moira embarrassed looks...

    Keep going Trace YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION
    love Cathxxxxxxx

  2. I'm afraid there's been no peace in my chaos today! I must try harder...

    I just wanted to pop by here and say hello and thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment Tracey.

    I SAW: My daughter's beautiful face when I opened my eyes this morning.
    I ATE: the sweetest cob of corn I think I've ever tasted.
    I RECEIVED: A lovely email from a friend
    I DID FOR ME: Made a big pot of my favourite herbal tea which I love (although I did drink it while working!)
    I DID FOR SOMEONE ELSE: Helped a friend write a proposal which was stressing her.
    I FOUND FUNNY: My 6 year old and her friend in the back seat of the car giggling. It's contagious.

  3. Well, Cath and Lisa, you two beautiful ladies were 2 outstanding features of my day!!!!!!!! You two, busy, amazing Mums and women, have taken a generous pocket of time out of your day, to not only check in on my blog, but also to reply -bless your little hearts.

    You both did some BEAUTIFUL THINGS FOR PEOPLE TODAY. You would no doubt come in on their list of things that they received today, from others.

    Interesting that both of you rated your kids/children in so many sections, as the best bits of your day. Aren't WE SO LUCKY TO HAVE OUR LITTLE CHERUBS x o x o THEY PUT EVERYTHING IN PERSPECTIVE after a day at work!!

    Cath, Moira's comment absolutely cracked me up! She is totally hilarious. A wise and witty woman.

    Lisa - the way you spoke of the corn cob to die for, was just so sweet and cute and I really get what you were saying. Good on you girlfriend, sometimes a sweet and succulent corn cob, can just make all the difference to our day in this ridiculously busy world. It really can.

    Cath and Lisa - Tomorrow, look for the calm amongst the storm. I shall be trying x o x o Tracey

  4. I wanna see piccies of your puppy dawgs!

  5. Claire- how easily that can be arranged!!! You have any pets?

  6. Okay here goes you got me interested, actually it brings me back to the games we used to play on the old green couch at uni. Remember putting the questions in a pot and drawing them out to discuss until ridiculous hours of the morning?
    I Saw- My nate's excited and smiling face as he rides his bike past me (more interested that I am watching than where he is going). The enjoyment on his face cracks me up every time.
    I ATE - chocolate cake for recess as I forgot my recess.
    I received- lots of good comments today actually, two really good ones from workmates and flowers that were picked from my garden from Nate.
    I did for me-I honestly can't think of anything. I had a pretty busy day and Simon had a migraine so I did it all- Oh tell a lie- I am reading your blog (again as you have not updated it today!!!). The first thing I have done for me all day.
    I did for someone else- I went to see if my workmate needed any advice on a meeting that he was conducting and came to me for advice on yesterday, got up during the night (3x) twice for Harper and to get panadol for Simon, cooked dinner, folded washing,washed up,bathed children, read books, taught children , did up six shoe laces, gave many cuddles, where do I stop???
    I found Funny- a joke Simon made about the melodramatic way they go on about the challenges on master chef. After 11 years of being together it is nice that he still tickles my funny bone.
    Bye love your blog

  7. You are so beautiful - I still have dreams of being in our Uni house, honestly, some of the best memories of my life, took place there. We were a family - for 4 hilarious years. This is a big part of my book. These dreams of our house reoccur. I love them! I wake and I want to go back to them. Yes - that lounge and the questions we would pull out of a pot and answer until all hours of the morning!

    I looooooove the snap shot of your day. You are such a good mum, teacher, wife and friend - you helped so many people today! I am so pleased you considered your time, the few minutes that you checked my blog and clarified your thoughts.

    I also adore you for noticing that I haven't updated my blog and therefore wanting the next installment! I shall get to it now!

    I am pleased you got some lovely comments from people at work today, those little things go a long way don't they? THUS SEE MY NEXT BLOG POST!! YOU WILL APPRECIATE THIS! Love you, Tracey x o

  8. CATH - I ADORE YOU - YOU HAVE BECOME A FOLLOWER, YOU BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU, TRACEY X O X O Hope you enjoy. Love hearing from you x o

  9. And to Lynelle- I love your wedding photo - you persevered little character, and you 2 are up there in lights. So honoured to have been your chief bridesmaid, and that Matt was Simon's best man, will always be special x o Tracey

  10. Lynelle - by the way, I love that Nate was so busy looking at you, watched him ride his bike, that he wasn't looking where he was going!! That is so cute! Tracey
