Friday, April 9, 2010

A brief vignette from to Clovelly!

Paul and I are home from our night away with our dearest and oldest friends and my sister. We absolutely cracked ourselves up -laughing so hard and relaxing with excellent food, wine and music in their company. We dined at Lizotte's Theatre Restaurant.
We then went back to the apartment in Newcastle and talked late into the night and badgered anyone to death who tried to go to sleep, by throwing the complimentary, wrapped, motel soaps at them.
Some of us who were there last night and who have babies and therefore hold sleep in higher esteem than gold, sacrificed it all to catch up with each other - talking school and Uni memories, each one funnier than the last. I feel refreshed and relaxed and revived. Belly laughs, the company of friends who know you better than you know yourself and taking this all off site and away from home - made me levitate!
Lily and I are now off to to Clovelly for a 3 day sabbatical at my sister's place. Can't wait to see the produce/cake craft pavillion at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney on Saturday!

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