Saturday, April 24, 2010

Repair and Rejuvinate

Perhaps everyone should be booked in for compulsory surgery every now and again to slow down our bodies and remind us of how to rest and recuperate? Not really, but it's a thought.

I have slept and read and been warm and cocooned. It makes you wonder how much rest our bodies and our minds actual need, in comparison to how much we actually get.

I have emerged calmer and well rested. How peculiar it is not to be in control and to just let go...

Thank you Paul and Lily, for being my very attentive nurses, albeit, one a little more haphazard in the quality of her care than the other! I love you both! Mummy is back x o


  1. Wonderful to hear you are feeling better today Tracey. Take care and enjoy the long weekend ~ Tina xx

  2. Thanks so much Tina, you are very thoughtful x o Tracey
