Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The view from where I write...


  1. Well, well, well. What have we got here. Sell the type writer! Someone has entered the 21st century. Well done.
    Trudy x

  2. I love the view from where you write old friend, its just beautiful xx Claire

  3. You are so gorgeous, you beautiful old soul! How's yor creative world? I can't believe you can actually write scores of music! Clever woman. Thank you for following Velvetine Lily - I hope Trudy didn't have to pay you too much to do this! Love, Tracey and Lily - Lily says hi x o x o

  4. Count me in two. Who knows i might even be the star of the book ha
    your sister

  5. Trudy paid me in lessons on how to write music properly.
