Friday, June 25, 2010

My Book and staying on the path

Down deep in every human heart is a hidden
longing, impulse, and ambition to do something
fine and enduring.
- Grenville Kleiser

This weekend, I will once again, focus on writing my book. I have given myself a dead line. I am telling you this publicly, so that I make myself stick to it! I am also telling you this because sometimes I go off the the blogging radar to dedicate my time to this. I will launch my book at the end of the year. Summer - at the surf club, over looking the ocean at the end of our street. Chardonnay and canapes! My mantra - (I am reminding myself): Begin with the End in Mind! Stay true to my dream and my goal. Don't let life get in the way!

"Would you tell me please
which way I ought to go from here?"
said Alice.

"That depends a good deal on
where you want to get to",
said the Cat.

"I don't much care where..."
said Alice.

"Then it doesn't matter which
way you go,: said the Cat.

- From 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'


  1. Ok, stay focused. we want a report on Monday about how much you got done.

  2. Hope the writing is coming along!! Hee hee sorry, I am a hard task master ;) Love the pics of your beautiful Lily! Such a beautiful ballet dancer:) ~ Tina xx

  3. Hi there I am hoping that this goal time line takes into account that i am a slow reader and when I edit the book i will need extra time!
    P.s. I know that I hardly ever comment on your blog but I read it religiously and spread the word with passion.

  4. Chania, Tina, Lynelle and Simon (Simon, thanks for the phone call) - thanks for your encouragement and for being firm with me and insisting that I get back to the business of writing my book.

    I typed my little heart out and had a very productive, writing weekend.

    Tina - pray tell me, why did you begin blogging and why do you now blog? How has your motivation changed??? Sooooooooooo curious!

    Lynelle - ha, ha, re: the editing of my book. Trudy has read the manuscript and in her words, has edited it, making it pure gold! Shall take your slow reading into account! He he.

    Lynelle - thanks for spreading the word of my blog with passion - I love you, you dear, unselfish, beautiful friend.

    Tracey x o

  5. Cath -

    Thanks for your encouragement - raved on about you on your blog, my petal x o Tracey
