Monday, June 21, 2010

Hello again my blog - I've missed you, like a dear, old, absent friend...

Hello, my blog - I have missed you! I have some major plates spinning in the air at the moment and I have missed clarifying and recording my thoughts. I have missed taking photographs of precious things that I see (thus, just the 2 pics) - my little table vignette, that I am writing beside and the photograph below.
Maybe the above vignette describes me and my week in a nut shell. I was given the purple orchids by a friend, for good luck in torrid times.
The navel oranges - have been sustaining me and bursting me forward with their energy and enthusiasm. Navel oranges remind me of winter and growing up on the farm. Mount George oranges are the best navel oranges in the world - sweet and delicious, we grew up on them as kids.
My glass dome with the rose in it - pristine and clear, beautiful and inspiring.
Looking forward to a more peaceful, calm and stable time - my dear blog - to get back in touch with you.
Tracey x o


  1. It's hard to keep all those spinning plates in the air sometimes isn't it? Nice to see you back.

  2. The flowers are lovely and the oranges bring feelings of Christmas (: I hope things settle down for you soon with peace and tranquility not far behind (:

    Take care!

  3. Hi Tracey. I just wanted to stop by and say hello and I hope you are doing well. It sounds like you have been having a tough time and just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you sweet girl. Wish I could give you a real hug, but a virtual one will have to suffice. Take care and I hope you and your sweet family have a lovely weekend ~ Tina xx
