Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mental note to oneself - no walking at 5am: time and life and sleep far too precious..

Feeling rather blah about myself yesterday I endeavoured to fix this - so I rose at 5 this morning to go for a walk.

It was pitch, black at 5. In fact, it is almost still pitch black at 6! So dark, it was at 5, that, were there not street lights - I would not have seen a foot in front of me.

The temperature had dropped some 10 degrees below yesterday morning's temperature. The wind whistled and I felt the onset of an ear ache before I'd even stepped off our front lawn.

I felt a little hesitant even somewhat frightened as I slipped through the shadowy streets this morning. In fact, one man, silently sitting on his garden chair, having a cigarette, startled me so much that he cracked up laughing at me.

I all but planted my feet apart, made a pistol grip with my hands and pointed it at him when I noticed his darkened figure - less than 2 metres away from me.

But - he was the only man I saw on my walk. I thought I would be alone at 5 am, but no. I saw women - many women. Jogging, running, walking women !!!! They were at every turn, but not one jogging, running, walking man. Coincidence perhaps? I think not.

Skinny-minny women (many of them mothers no doubt - young Mums too) were out and about risking their safety, sacrificing sleep, feigning enjoyment, mustering motivation to ..........feel............half decent about themselves in front of men and possibly (more particularly) in front of other women and dare I say - in front of themselves and the mirror.

Tomorrow morning - I will be sleeping in.

When my grandma came to stay this week she said " I am 81 - and I will eat what I bloody well like!"


  1. Hi,
    If only high school Tracey and uni Tracey could see you now. How far you have come. I was right wasn't I? You are beautiful and lovely and we all love you just the way you are. Soon you will be devouring BBQ chickens all to yourself and leaving greasey finger prints all over the house with the best of us!
    Hope all is well.
    P.S. about your comment on the wedding photo are you referring to the photo I have used for your blog if so this is a photo taken at michelle and cliffords wedding.

  2. And a damn fine mental note that is! It's hard to get time to yourself when you've got little kids I know...just do stuff that makes you feel good/happy/contented (she says just having polished off half a block of chocolate and a glass of red!!). I will not be setting the alarm to go walking in the morning, but I will be cutting back on the junk just as soon as I get rid of this cold (comfort food you understand!) xx

  3. No setting the alarm to go walking for me either Tracey:) I think I am becoming wiser in my old age:) Hope the report writing is going well!!! Wishing you a fantastic Thursday as always lovely girl ~ Tina xx

  4. Trace how hilarious that the early morning walk with thoughts of a fit healthy body and soul could turn so quickly into a fear filled shadowy time that makes the inagination play tricks on our minds. So much so that we resort to pretending we have a gun in our hands to ward off all those baddies that are out to get us on our road to health and sound mind. I just love your little daily reality checks of women, their thoughts and how we are never satisfied with ourselves. It is so sad that we all go through it. I am nearly 50 and still think that one day soon I will get really fit and healthy. Love you heaps.Cath

  5. Nell-

    You know, even I now, have been known to stand over a chicken, rip off a leg, salt it profusely and lick my fingers - I will say , Nigelle Lawson style, as that makes it sound sexier and sultrier, but we both know it is simply greasy and grotty but tasty and delicious.

    Yes confused at first glance of photo.
    Tracey x o x

  6. Kerry -

    I hope you are getting over your cold. There is no better way to recuperate, when you are feeling miserable, than by enjoying some comfort food.

    What ever it takes, I say! Remember there are antioxidants in both red wine and chocolate, so as far as I am concerned, you are onto a good thing.

    Last night my comfort food was several cups of tea and several more Lindt balls - and I didn't even have a cold!

    Tracey x o

  7. This morning at 5:45am I was giving a workmate a lift to work.We past endless people bike riding walking etc and it was freezing and dark and he laughed as I commented "these people must not have warm beds at home"Its almost an insult that they choose to do it. When we see women alone we often comment how dangerous it is other times I just admire the conviction and determination they have and think I should get myself into gear.My husband Eric has a saying; 'you only get so many heartbeats in life you may as well not waste them all exercising'I don't approve of this saying but find it hilarious.
    Im size 10 and I might not get back to a size 8 but im never happy with myself.My boss suspects a lovely lady we work with is loosing weight because she has a cancerous lump in her breast she is going to have tests and it removed on the weekend but is still pleased with her weight loss and that she could by new pants surely that shows us our mind sets are incorrect as human beings.
    Yet we still give her compliments because if feeling sexy takes the beautiful womans mind off it so be it.She has enough ahead of her.

  8. Cath -

    You are ONE HOT MUMMA, for a nearly 50 year old! You are a tiny little, groovy poppet with how many children... and a full on job with a 'very busy class' and you manage to keep all those plates spinning in the air! You are lookin good girlfirend! x o Tracey

  9. Nat -

    I am so pleased you agree with me! I agree with Eric re: the heart beat thing. I love light to vigorous exercise walking with Paul, Lil and the puppies but for me 5am walking in the dark is ludicrous and not enjoyable.

    A walk on the beach in the afternoon yes - refreshing and magnificent.

    A family stroll to the park with purpose, yes.

    A good solid, strutting it out at the end of a day ewhen your head is filled with rubble -yes.

    Standing in a gym, staring at a wall on a treadmill - no.

    Love you x o x

    A walk, outside, in daylight, with purpose!

  10. Oh Tracey

    You know, your summing up is sooo true.
    We're neurotic about our bodies and it's media driven in a way.
    We're bombarded with adverts that if we eat this food/drink or join this gym we too can look like the stick insects they portray.
    All of us - men included are 'programed' that women should all weigh 60kgs and have specific measurements.
    That's crazy when we all come from different gene pools to start with.

    Great topic, as you can see it really got me going!!
    Tracey, thanks for dropping by today and lovely to know you're a follower.
    Keep in touch.

  11. Roses, Lace and Brocante - Eat, drink and be merry - and healthy - room for all without starving ourselves x o x
