Prune the tree of your life...... I like that. I read that over the last couple of days. In other words, get rid of situations and circumstances, people and events who bring no value to you at all. Sounds harsh? I don't think so. What slows you down, drags you down, inhibits your growth and health or peace of mind? Write a list. Clarify your thoughts. I did, but then I love lists.
Paul has just looked over my shoulder and read this post and is concerned that the anaesthesia has left some lasting, long term effects (thus my deep, spiritual philosophizing). I am assuring him that no, I was actually this crazy before the operation.
That said, go forth - and Prune the tree of your life.....
x o x o
How true Tracey! As we grow older and wiser I think this is really something we should remember to try to do. Sometimes it is easier said than done. Hope you are feeling better! xx
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. No relationships that don't nurture you is my mantra...took me a while to learn it but it makes life so much better.
ReplyDeleteNellie - it is so hard to erase the nonsense from our life sometimes. I don't follow many blogs, just a tiny handful of really personable ones, to gain inspiration and to remain connected to people. In Simon Reynold's book that I am reading he talks about "the human need for connectness", just a couple of minutes a day of connecting with like-minded people can be so uplifting. Thanks for your blog Nellie and your comments on mine. I value our repartee. Tracey x o x o
ReplyDeleteDitto to Kerry regarding my comment to Nellie above. I only follow a handful of blogs that I find add value, advice or inspiration to my life...something to propel me further, a thought for the day, or a new idea. I like that just a couple of minutes checking into yours and other blogs daily, keeps me interested and enthused. I try to keep my blogging to a minimum around everything else that I do. I take a quick, short, sharp photo and add my text to stay connected and maintain my voice. I love writing. I wish so much that it were my full time job-do you!!??? Tracey x o x