Saturday, April 17, 2010

My beautiful, beautiful, surfing girl x o

The little, beach babe, at our beach.


  1. Hi Tracey. It was so nice to see you at my blog and read your lovely comments. I agree with the resonating, especially when I read about your overflowing book pile. On holidays but I just added another two to mine! Thank you for the 'follow'...kindness returned. I look forward to reading more.

  2. What an absolutely gorgeous blossom you have Tracey:) ~ Tina xx

  3. Thanks Tina, about the comment about my Lily. I believe you have girls too. AREN'T GIRLS BEAUTIFUL?!! Every Mummy needs a little girl. Lily is my best friend. Scarily, like her mother in many ways. Strange to have a mini-me walking around.

  4. Kerry-
    I have just typed up my top 20 favourite books list for a girlfriend. Given that you also love reading and I always seem to be talking about what I am reading to everyone I know, I will post the list onto my blog. I'd love to check into your blog and see your favourite reads. A lovely blog, Kerry, beautifully designed. I have lots to learn in this area.Thank you for becoming a follower! Any great reads, highly appreciated! Hope your 2 new holiday reads were great. Shall be lovely to get to know you further. Tracey at Velvetine Lily x o

  5. Well well, the beautiful Lily has certainly grown a lot since Uncle Tim last saw her. She is a beautiful young girl! I must say that it is good to see that she loves the water and even moreso surfing, as it is a great sport. Maybe she is going to be the next Lane Beachley??? It was also good to see a photo of Paul. We would have liked to meet him the other day, but I am hoping that we will get to catch up with you all soon. I would also like to be invited to the book launch. I am very interested to read it, despite it being feminine! I really think that Lily looks like you.... as I can see so much familiarity in the her face. Glad I could see some pics of her. Take care, Tim

  6. I think you would find the book very interesting. Answers a lot of questions. You would, however, be my conscience, telling me everything I should leave out - and you would, once again, be right.

    Yes, Lily has grown up and no longer walks on her knees! The photos show her 'goofy foot surfing', but Paul thinks she'll change that, as she is right handed. You, goofy footed?

    Unlike her mother, she is an outdoorsy kind of girl, the more fearless, adventurous, energetic and active the better.

    Love you so much Tim, Jane and co x o x

  7. No, I am not goofy footed! I was wondering if your book is going to be available for anyone to purchase? How many do you expect to sell?

    I would be interested to read the 'un-cut' version of the book. Maybe I could edit it?

  8. Including you, if you wish to purchase it, and also including Lynelle and Simon (who between them would order 1) and Paul (because he would feel sorry for me, and because he would support me to the end of the earth) I am up to selling a total of 3! Aside from that and regarding your interest in reading and editing the un-cut version, it seems that the war regarding that is well and truly on. Lynelle and Trudy are willing to go to EXTREME LENGTHS to edit the un-cut versions and have entered into wrestling over this position. Simon has also stated his claim in having the rights to be the first editor. Having said this, if these people read the first edition, then they won't need to buy an edition, so that takes the number of people purchasing the book down to 1 being Paul!

  9. Tim-
    Ever the voice of reason, I sense your concern, about who will be available to purchase and read my book and I adore you for this. Once again you are there to reign in my gregariousness, like that of holding onto a helium balloon. x o

  10. Tracey, so nice to find your blog and thank you for the lovely comments on mine. I too am an avid reader, however, time is always a factor, so I don't read as often as I should. I look forward to readign your blog and seeing what you read also.

  11. Chania -
    I shall soon post my top 20 favourite books on my blog. So hard to narrow to 20. Maybe 20 of each genre? Thank you so much for dropping in. As I said, in terms of design, my blog is pretty basic but I still love it as a medium in which to write. Thanks again for checking in - I shall continue to check into your blog and DREAM... Velvetine Lily x
