The old mate from up the road would pop in and drop off a basket of almost warm eggs (due to an over abundance from the hens that week), or an Uncle would call in for a cuppa, brandishing a home grown grammar and a bright, candy, crimson bunch of rhubarb. My Aunty, Norma, would bake a sponge drizzling in passionfruit icing and sliced full of fresh cream and Mum would "put the jug on" for a cup of tea.
Have these days gone, in the semi-metropolitan area where I now live? The practice still lives on at Wingham, the friendly rural town, where Mum and Dad still live.
My cousin Lisa called in the other day (announced -via phone call and then confirmed via text message) and brought with her (from my Uncle's farm) a home grown squash and a bowl full of sweet and tiny Bantam eggs, still laced in dirt and feathers. I marvelled at these offerings as if I was looking at father time himself.
We buttered and salted the squash after it had been boiled and Paul served it with a fillet of baked salmon and roasted potatoes (or in contemporary terms, 'smashed' potatoes). I used the rest of the eggs up in a zucchini slice as well as in several meals of boiled eggs with soldiers.
It felt good to use fresh produce. It felt good to use every last drop. These days if we go on holidays we try to eat the fridge down to its bearest bones, even so, when I see a half a bag of beans and a nub of broccoli in the crisper on the day before we leave- I don't give them to the neighbours - I shake my head, feel bad and close the fridge.
Times have changed. Then again - the man in our house does the sewing - not all is for the worst is it?!
Hello there Tracey :o) !!
ReplyDeleteYou've just left a post on my blog but I think it was meant for Chania in Canada...!!
You might want to cut & paste it & add it to her latest thread....!!
Tamarah :o)
Thanks Tamarah - yes meant for Chania, Canada! Sorry!Had some trouble posting comment to her x o Tracey
ReplyDelete<3 <3 <3 get some chickens and pimp up your garden with a veggie patch ladybird!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your last 2 postings. keep up the good work. Fresh eggs home picked squash and being waste conscious something we are need to be more aware of. I am terribly fond of your previous follower x
ReplyDeleteBoth of you clever, witty ladies - should start your own blog!!!
ReplyDeleteI am asking for the series of 'The Good Life' for Mothers' Day. Did we not all love that series as we grew up?
ReplyDeleteWhat's that? Praise from my sister? That is hard to identify. He he..
ReplyDeleteActually Trudy, the blog on food waste was further inspired by our conversation about how you guys at Clovelly, try to eat every piece of produce by the end of the week. I want yours and Imbie's fritatta recipe by the way, that you cook at the end of the week to use up the limp vegies at the bottom of the crisper.
ReplyDeleteI do Trace! I have a few different things... not quite blogs anymore- too revealing! But if you click on my name here, you will see some of my work at least- putting together a slapdash showreel for a potential job.
ReplyDeleteAnd YES! I love the idea of The Good Life.... I think I'd like to get it too... such nice ideas in that show. I often think of Vivian from The Young Ones saying "Felicity Bloody Kendall!!!?" at the same time though.
I LOVE YOU TRUDY! Did you get my email about me possibly moving back at the end of the year? If so- its with a friend in Petersham with massive backyard for veggie patches and chickenssssssssssss
ReplyDeletewould you believe I have The Good Life DVD's I love them. Mum gave them to me. Also I have some news about the publishing thing.
Yah!!!! I did it now you will never shut me up I will comment on all posts.
Claire I have been on your Music and Meanderings - chicken soup for the soul today. So impressed. Can I buy a CD of some beautiful, serene music?
ReplyDeleteLynelle, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!, As Dora would say "YOU DID IT, YOU DID IT, YOU DID IT HOORAY"! I know how busy you are with 2 bubs and a Simon, thank you for persevering, little beaver. I didn't feel right not to have you on here. Excited re: the publishing thing? So curious! Will ring after sleep x o x o Love you, thank you for getting on. We will have to watch the Good Life together some time. Doesn't Margot remind you of Grecian? x o x Did I mention that I love you?
ReplyDeleteGrecian, now there is a name I have not heard of in a while. The last I time I saw here she was with a sophistaicated older gentleman..... What happened there? Are they still together?
ReplyDeleteTrace, I think what you wrote about people not just 'popping in' is very much how society is now in many places. Certainly not Wingham, but I think you will find that it is a generational thing. A lot of young people don't do it, possibly because of a fear that they will call in at an incovenient time or something like that. Maybe we are all jsut too busy and want to spend the little free time we have with our own family? I think it is sad and I would be happy for people to call in for a cuppa any time (almost any time!). I actually this makes us feel special and 'thought of'. The fact that someone pops in un-announced shows that they were thinking about you. All someone has to do for me to pop in is to have some fresh scones with jam and cream and a nice cuppa ready and I am there with bells on.
Can I just say that I believe that I saw pure joy today in the face of a young man who turned 3 years old. Jonah was 3 today and when we were all singing happy birthday, the smile on his face was priceless. What a joy it was to see that and be a part of his precious life. I love my kids!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL, LITTLE, JOYFUL JONAH!! You would be a great Daddy Tim. Don't the characters press your buttons and don't you just love them all the more for it. Yes, food has always had a very special place in your heart! I must make a batch of warm scones to get you here! Yes, times they are a changing... and not altogether for the better. We are a totally different generation. Where and how did we go wrong so fast, within one generation? Love you guys, Tracey x o
ReplyDeleteTim, on the Grecian Urn effect, if anyone can give me her contact details - I WOULD LOVE TO GET IN CONTACT WITH HER!! Tracey x o