Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day morning on the deck

I had my coffee on the deck, in the sunshine this morning - with our puppies. We call them both puppies but they are in fact nearing retirement, with quite a bit of age behind them. Frodo particularly, is a very large dog.
I had to feed him a lot of cheese to get this shot.
He is frightened of the camera - however, cheese is his favourite food and he will DO ANYTHING FOR IT.


  1. I love this dog its hilarious looks like it is deploring the experience with its face so forlorn.Frodo suits it for a name.They are so funny dogs your dog loves cheese our dog once ate a bottle top to show off at a party crazy critters.Give it some cheese to do your washing and ironing how these tasks never end lol!

  2. That's really funny - Frodo does love cheese so much and he is tall enough to reach both the washing machine, the dryer and the ironing board- this could all be a viable option to divying up the household chores. Honestly, if I say "Cheese, Frodo comes leaping froma mile away!

    Isn't he adorable! From Frodo - I am sure they came up with the phrase 'puppy dog eyes'.

    He is like an old worldly gentleman. In fact his nature is not unalike Paul's - which often causes Paul to raise his eyebrows - whenever I say this.

    Frodo is quiet and calm and kind, yet fiercely protective of us - he is our big friendly lion.

    I loved your Sasha so much - she was a beautiful puppy - she was human and I know - such a big part of your family.

    Might I add that Paul found Frodo on the side of the road (as a puppy) and he had been abused by a human (monster). Frodo had cigarette burns pressed into his head and someone had broken his leg.


    How could anyone ever hurt this beautiful boy. Let me assure you, he came to the right home x o x


  3. Hi Tracey
    What a cute helper you've got!! Is he waiting for a biscuit maybe??

    I'm a very new blogger too - 4 weeks! So please come and visit me and we can watch our blogs grow together!!
    I've joined yours so please come and join my journey!

    thanks for sharing.

  4. " You pooped in the refrigerator, and you ate a whole wheel of cheese? Actually i'm not even mad, that's amazing!"

    One of the many great lines in Anchorman...
    I never knew dogs ate cheese apart from Baxter in Anchorman, that's gold.
    If you are yet to see it, do yourself a favour and watch Will Ferrell at his best.

    Don't you have alot of writing within Tracey Lee??? It's great, the last time i gave so much thought to a question(s)/thoughts you've mentioned in your blogs, is when i pondered which came first the orange or the colour.

    Now i understand you will want some feedback, but before you Tony Barber me and fire off a thousand questions, I will be only popping in now and then. I am very active on the read side, but when it comes to writing back Hop, i am quite a bit less active...

    Thankyou very much for the email, i'll bell you soon. Lily's gorgeous and i believe i had a cricket oval cake with the same boundary fence as Lily's pool.

    Laters, Ryan x

  5. Well, well, well look who's on the blog, none other than -Ryan Omah!

    Damo (Paul's friend who used to live here before Lily and I took over the house and literally moved in) looooves Will Farrell also. I would often return home here after work and Damo would be watching yet another re-run of Will Farrell's movies, killing himself laughing! He can also quote every line.

    Drop into Velvetine Lily whenever you can. A lot of people go incognito and don't become followers or leave a comment but just check in - that's cool, whatever's doing.

    Isn't my Lil Lil a honey? Such a beautiful girl Ryan. I love her more than this world. She is such a sugar pie x o

    So Fayezee, made you the cricket pitch too! She is a good girl. Maybe you will be home soon to spend some more time with the old, characters? That will be a bonus.

    'Laters' to you too dear one. Thanks for popping in and of course, you know me too well, I did indeed want feed back. Thank you for that x o x I want Tony Barber you today, but next time.

    Good to hear my blog gave you something to think about. You've got to question things or life becomes boring.

    My love, Hop. Have a beautiful day x o

    I hope you are well
