I bought a handmade pair of knickers whilst on my trip up North!
I had to share them with you because I love the replica 50s style and fabric, complete with the sweet, little, blue bow. Apologies - the photo doesn't do them justice - poor light on a drizzly day.
I also brought home with me, the love heart, hand carved out of wood.
I love old-fashioned lingerie, I used to hang an old Can Can/lingerie costume in our bedroom - it was pure art. So delicate. I chose to do an assignment on the history of lingerie at high school. My teacher probably, secretly, quite enjoyed it!
The first lingerie that Paul ever gave me was an exquisite 2 piece ensemble in ivory and black, chantilly lace, with little ruffles on ones' bottom cheeks!
Don't get me wrong - some days I dress as quite the magpie, black bra, white knickers, or vice versa (whatever gets me out the door on time) but mostly, I love beautiful and olde worlde lingerie. I do, however, draw the line at whale bone corsetry - the poor women (and whales) of that age.
Maybe all this is something you didn't know (or perhaps didn't want to know about me) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!