Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bring on the the long weekend!

Coming home in the dark, mid-week, when it is cold - has made me yearn for the sunshine on our shoulders that we soaked up last weekend - both at the park and on our deck.


  1. Trace you just have a way with words and thought patterns. Do you realize with every blog.... your thoughts filter through and lead us on a road of thinking similar thoughts. I love sunshine and decks can you just imagine the peace and relaxation that comes with it all.
    We will be away this weekend and hopefully it will be filled with sunshine, walks, talks, coffee, books to read and just a really good sit.
    Have a fabulous weekend.... let me know of any interesting phone calls....
    Love you heaps
    Cath x

  2. Cath -

    Any phone calls ... and you will be contacted. Fingers crossed beautiful girl.

    I love being someone's "soul sister"! I like that a lot! I have also never been 'blogged' before - like that too!

    Happy long weekend dear one!

    Tracey x o
