Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Today I came home from the 3rd and final day of Covey's course, 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' (as a result of professional development, in my role as Assistant Principal).

The course was about being a better and more effective leader at school, however, today's teachings were about 'synergy' and 'sharpening the saw'.

I am happy to say that my slothful day of rest and renewal on Sunday (see post below) was applauded by Covey and the school Principal who ran the course. It seems we all need these days, where we regroup, restock and replenish our energy.

I feel a whole lot better now about those guilty moments when my body and my mind slackens off. It's all in the name of research and it makes us more effective, when we emerge from hibernation!


  1. Great news Tracey! I am all for lazy slothful days! Days were I can stay in my pj's all day and not talk to anyone but my family when necessary! xx

  2. Tracey It is all in balance when we have a day of rest... Thank God for those days without them we would be raving lunatics. In fact I really believe that we don't allow ourselves to really kick back and relax on the days given us by God. I need to give my self permission to rest and relax rather than race around doing all the things that I don't get time to do on a week day.s you for reminding me about the important balance to life.
    Love Ya
